В 2014 году Областная научная библиотека г. Владимира проводила Конкурс юных переводчиков. Мои ученики приняли в нем участие. Было предложено перевести на русский язык следующие стихотворения:
5-6 класс
Hungry Monkey
One little monkey, sitting in a tree,
All by himself and hungry as can be.
He ate one banana, one ham and cheese on rye,
Then the hungry little monkey ate one pizza pie!
He ate one apple and one coconut, too.
But the monkey was still hungry, and that wouldn’t do!
So he ate one lemon and one slice of cake.
Then the full little monkey had one bad tummy ache!
7-9 класс
Little things
by Julia A. Cartney
Little drops of water,
Little drains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the p
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