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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 03

Near the town of Alexandrov of Vladimir region there is the little village of Makhra. It is famous for it’s Trinity St. Stephan of Makhra Nunnery. It was founded in 1353 by St. Stephan, who was a spiritual friend and interlocutor of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
St. Stephan wanted to live in solitude and to devote his life to God, so he chose the hermitage where he spent time ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Интерактивная карта России (конкурс издательства "Просвещение" | Просмотров: 573 | Добавил: Ведь | Дата: 03.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

The village of Arsaki is situated not far from the town of Alexandrov of Vladimir region. This place attracts a lot of people who want to see the beautiful old monastery situated here, St. Zosima’s Hermitage of The Virgin of Smolensk. The visitors can see the monastery buildings of red brick surrounded by the thick wall like one of the fortress.
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As all the people, living in Russia, I love my country. I am proud of it because Russia is the largest country in the world and it is very rich. I mean, that it has thick forests and high mountains, long rivers and deep lakes. I am proud of Russia, because it is a country w ... Читать дальше »

Категория: I Love My Birthplace | Просмотров: 3409 | Добавил: Ведь | Дата: 03.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

If anybody asks me If I love my country, I will answer that I love it very much. But if I`m asked why I love Russia, I will not be able to answer at once.

May be I love it for its large fields, thick forests, clear lakes and rapid rivers or may be for its people, who have made our country famous and respected in the world. I think, I love Russia not only because of all these facts, but also because my parents, relatives and friends live here.

When I hear the word «Russia», I remember how beautiful Russian forests a ... Читать дальше »

Категория: I Love My Birthplace | Просмотров: 596 | Добавил: Ведь | Дата: 03.07.2012 | Комментарии (1)

My name is Alexander, I am from Russia. I live in a small town in Vladimir region. Its name is Alexandrov. I was born in it. Alexandrov is my native town and now my family and I live here.

My town is not very big, but it is very nice. It stands on the river Seraya, surrounded by forests, fields and small villages. In the forest you can see a lot of animals and birds such as hares, foxes, wolves, and wild pigs. In autumn our forests are rich in mushrooms, nuts, and berries. There are no high mountains near my town, but there are some hills and lakes around it. The vegetation of my town is rich. There are many ditterent trees, flowe ... Читать дальше »

Категория: I Love My Birthplace | Просмотров: 1127 | Добавил: Ведь | Дата: 03.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

My name is Julia. I live in the town of Alexandrov.

It has a very interesting history. In the sixteenth century Alexandrov was very important.AtthattimeourtsarIvantheTerriblelivedinit.

Now Alexandrov is a town of Russia’s Golden Ring. Tourists from different places like to visit it very much. We have a lot of monuments and historical places. There is Alexandrov’s Sloboda with ... Читать дальше »

Категория: I Love My Birthplace | Просмотров: 1181 | Добавил: Ведь | Дата: 03.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

«  Июль 2012  »
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